Here is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions about Spray Foam Installation Process and Safety:1. Are There Health Concerns With Spray Foam? 2. Why Do I Need Spray Foam if I do a Good Job Air-Sealing with Tyvek & Caulk? 3. What Are the Advantages of Applying Spray Foam Directly to the Underside of the Roof? Doesn’t the Attic Need Ventilation? 4. What Temperature Will My Attic Be With Spray Foam? 5. Am I Allowed to Apply Spray Foam to the Underside of the Roof without Ventilation? 6. Do I Need to use a Vapor Barrier With Spray Foam? 7. Will my Home be too Tight With Spray Foam? Doesn’t my House Need to Breathe? 8. Should I Install Mechanical Ventilation With Spray Foam?