Sound and temperature insulation are important to churches just like commercial and residential premises and available funds are often limited. These buildings also often serve as community centers as well and maintaining their value and integrity is important. Considering their often unorthodox construction infrastructure and unique design, this poses unusual challenges for a church’s insulation. Various elements prevent insulation or limit what can be done. Here are some of the common insulation challenges churches are faced with:
- The desire to maintain the beauty of the building’s walls, windows, and interior
- Wood is very poor at letting through moisture
- Solid stone walls can only be insulated via filling their cracks or by covering the inside or outside in insulation
- Moisture accumulation is challenging to deal with
If an area’s moisture can’t be dealt with first, no insulation should be done at that location at all. We have to accept that some areas just can’t be insulated. Nevertheless, any opportunities that improve temperature regulation can and should be taken advantage of. Spray foam insulation can go a long way to preserving as much heat as possible. <h3>Church Insulation Materials </h3>
Attic joists and studs that can be accessed can and should be filled with polyurethane spray foam. The product is shot out of a can with a sprayer and not only has the best coverage and reach of any material, but it also provides the highest R-value (most heat impermeable). Churchfield uses spray foam for instance. Other insulation types are popular, such as cellulose and fiberglass as they are cheaper options but offer little insulation value. Fiberglass is practically useless for stopping moisture as well. The attic will require a professional service be done by a company. Measure the square footage of your church and use a calculator to gain a general idea of the cost of your church’s insulation.